Here is the character clothing for my character 'Lucy'. After establishing where 'When We Wake' is due to be filmed (Chandler and Dunn woods and farm) my group and I realised that to make the narrative and character's seem more believable, the clothing worn had to fit in with the colours of the surroundings within the film; the theme of 'nature' had to apply to what my character would be wearing if outdoors majority of the time. For example, my group and I chose my character to wear a black raincoat (to keep dry yet unnoticeable in darker locations and lighting) and a khaki green t-shirt which blends into the colours of the woods (light and dark greens and browns)
Furthermore, the shoes wore by my character 'Lucy' will be brown Caterpillar steel toe boots. This gives the spectator a better understanding into the idea of my character having to walk miles through woods and forest whilst being comfortable.
Simply through the mise-en-scene of 'When We Wake' such as character clothing and location, we are able to present in the opening sequence how much time and consideration has been put into the overall production.