Wednesday, 5 February 2014

'The Full Monty' Summary

The Full Monty

Audience Appeals

The tourist video intro allow the audience to see what once was and the transition to 20 years later. The tourist video prides itself on the new and likeable within Sheffield; the city centre is showcased as a bustling and economically strong place that shows no sign of unemployment. But, when the audience are taken 20 years forwards, this idyllic, modern lifestyle is juxtaposed within the deprived after effect of political change.

The audience are then presented with an abandoned and disused factory which implies that unemployment is high. This appeals to certain individuals as provoking subjects such as unemployment are being recognised rather than being frowned upon. Moreover, the transition from the positive to the negative gets the audience wanting to know more as to why this happened.


The titles within the film are straight to the point. The use of a white industrial font against a black background is simplistic yet effective. No cast and crew are mentioned at the beginning therefore, the audience feel as though what their about to see is an insight into real people’s lives and has not been made for entertainment purposes.

Genre Conventions

Genre conventions within ‘The Full Monty’ include comical banter between the stereotypical males who are regarded as irresponsible and unreliable. This allows the audience to relate either because they are similar to the characters or know individuals who are like the protagonists themselves.

After the film titles fade, the audience are presented to the protagonists; two middle-aged men and a young boy. The stealing of the steel girders from the abandoned factory is significant within this film, as it shows what extent the two men are willing to go to make money and make ends meet. Even though the two men have the right intentions, they have the wrong way of approaching them.

The comedy element within this scene is the scenario itself. The two men on top of a sunken car situated in the river are comical to see. Moreover, after all the efforts of not being caught in the act of stealing and trespassing, they end up losing both steel girders in the river anyway. Although what the two individuals are doing is illegal, the audience feel sympathetic towards them.


Subjects and issues such as unemployment and politics that are provoking are being highlighted within ‘The Full Monty’. As well as this, Margret Thatcher’s ruling as Prime Minister and the aftermath of her ruling gives heavy influence to the films narrative. Even though this particular film is funny and its main objective is to make the audience laugh, there are many satirical and political undertones involved which are serious.

Issues of representation

Issues of representation within ‘The Full Monty’ is stereotyping. Some individuals may not like the fact that lower class individuals are being regarded as trouble making and law breaking.