Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Character Development


After much deliberation, my group and I have come to the decision that 'New Term' character [LIAM] is no longer to be in the film. This is due to many factors that we had to deal with during the editing and development of our film. 

Filming at different intervals and dates meant that certain group members were unable to film on specific dates. Liam was unable to attend any other filming days after Wednesday 12th February as he was due to go away on holiday. The majority of Liam's filming was not adequate. This was either due to the difference in prop layout within the room, the lighting or what was said by him when improvising rather than reading from the script.

One of the problems faced was the layout of props such as paperwork and folders.This was extremely noticeable to my group and I meaning it would have been noticeable to the audience as well. Moreover, Liam did not read the script word-by-word meaning that his head shots and the subjective filming from the Head of Sixth Form’s point of view did not make any sense when edited together.