Film Title -
'New Term'
Location -
Castle Community College and Walmer Science College
Film Budget
- N/A
Duration - January, February and March 2014
Directors -
Georg Fritz, Liam Cador and Rosie Lines
Cast - Georg
Fritz, Liam Cador, Dan Pennington and Dean Fisher
BBFC Rating –
'New Term' is a comedic short film set in the modern day revolving around three individual protagonists all hoping to receive and obtain a place at a very prestigious Sixth Form. Each character represents a specific country based purely on stereotypes; not necessarily positive ones either.
'New Term' is a comedic short film set in the modern day revolving around three individual protagonists all hoping to receive and obtain a place at a very prestigious Sixth Form. Each character represents a specific country based purely on stereotypes; not necessarily positive ones either.
through mise-en-scene that follows the codes and conventions of the comedy
genre such as costume, character and dialect, the spectator gains greater
knowledge into the narrative and its genre. Moreover, the spectator is able to
see for themselves the individuality each character possesses and the
juxtaposition between each character.
The three
protagonists are seen walking towards their new and unfamiliar environment all
approaching the school in their own individual way. [GEORG] eagerly walks
towards the school with camera in hand, [DEAN] has a strong, upright walk
hoping to prove he is a responsible and
mature individual whereas, [LIAM] strides along with broadsheet newspaper in
hand as if where he is about to go is below him and that he is more superior.
[LIAM] wears a formal
suit which consists of a formal grey suit jacket, grey suit trousers, black
brogues and a flat-cap. Suits are stereotypically worn to give a sense of
formality and class [LIAM]’s character wears his suit satirically.[GEORG]’s costume has been assembled to show his family’s German Heritage. Stereotypically, Lauderhousens are worn regularly by German so this will be an influencing factor in the overall appearance of his costume. [GEORG]'s costume consists of a red checked shirt, Brown above-the-knee shorts, Brown braces, Brown boots and Brown rucksack.
[DEAN] has Scottish Heritage within his family therefore, we wanted to present this through his costume. Stereotypical Scottish clothing is tartan print and kilts; so by combining the two together and having [DEAN] wear tartan print kilt as well as a cream coloured cable knit jumper and black boots.
The audience then see the three characters entering the main school office. After entering the office, each character is given the task of finding their way to the Head of Sixth Form’s office where they are required to sit patiently outside. Through a medium close-up of all three protagonists sat together, the audience is able to see how each character regards one another as a potential threat for possibly not receiving a place at Walmer Castle Sixth Form.
The Head of Sixth Form requests candidates one-by-one to come into his office and then proceeds to formally introduce himself. [DEAN] makes his presence know by being loud and shaking the Head of Sixth Form’s hand quite vigorously, [GEORG] (eager to document down all that is around), decides to take a photograph of the Head before shaking his hand and [LIAM] holds out his hand but then decides to just shake two of the Head’s fingers. This further adds to the audience’s understanding of [LIAM] thinking he is more superior.
After this, the Head of Sixth Form kindly requests that the candidate takes a seat on the chair located in front of his desk. The distance between the two characters is a public distance therefore, character stance is quite formal and detached much like the Head of Sixth Form’s attitude within his work place.
The Head of Sixth Form then asks the three potential students the same set of questions in order to have a better understanding into what their intentions are for the future, their hobbies and their attitudes towards learning. All of these shots will be shot/reverse shots at either a medium close-up.
After asking the necessary questions, each student will shake the Head of Sixth Form’s hand again and leave the office. Ending the film after each candidate has left the office, leaves the narrative on a cliff-hanger therefore, this makes the spectator curious as to what happens next.
Overall, the narrative revolves around how appearance especially within adolescent environments, makes individuals pre-judge. Moreover, the idea that we live in a decadent and materialistic age is also highlighted within ‘New Term’. For example, the fact that each of the protagonists are judged by what they are wearing rather than their personalities highlights how we are too focus on our image and how certain clothing labels reward us with a certain status amongst our peers.